Yayınlanmış Makaleler

2004, Esassolak M, Karagöz U, Yalman D, Köse S, Anacak Y, Haydaroğlu A. Evaluation of the effects of radiotherapy to the chiasm and optic nerve by visual psychophysical – electrophysiological tests in nasopharyngeal carcinoma – Intl. J. of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 58(4); 1141 – 6, 2004.

Özsaran Z, Yalman D, Baltalarlı B, Anacak Y, Esassolak M, Haydaroğlu A. Radiotherapy in maxillary sinus carcinomas : evaluation of 79 cases. Rhinology 41; 44-8, 2003.

Haydaroğlu A, Yürüt V, Arıcan A, Yalman D, Aras AB, Esassolak M, Özkök S. The impact of haemoglobin level on the response to radiotherapy. Journal of BUON 7; 31-4, 2002.

Özsaran Z, Anacak Y, Esassolak M, Göker E, Yalman D, Haydaroğlu A, Öztop F. Primary osteosarcoma of the sphenoid bone with multiple recurrences: a case report and review of the literature. Journal of BUON 7; 71-4, 2002.

2002, 12- Yalman D, Arıcan A, Özsaran Z, Çelik Ö, Yürüt V, Esassolak M, Haydaroğlu A. Evaluation of morbidity after external radiotherapy and intracavitary brachytherapy in 771 patients with carcinoma ofthe uterine cervix or endometrium. – Eur. J. Gynaec. Oncol. 23(1), 58-62, 2002.

13-Onat H, Basaran M, Esassolak M, Bavbek S, Anacak Y, Kaytan E, Altun M, Haydaroğlu A. High-dose epirubicin and cisplatin in locally advanced undifferantiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Clin. Oncol. 14; 449-54, 2002.

2001, 9-Özsaran Z, Yalman D, Anacak Y, Esassolak M, Haydaroğlu A. Palliative radiotherapy in bone metastases: – results of a randomized trial comparing three fractionation schedules. Journal of BUON 6; 43-8, 2001.

Ersin S, Tunçyürek P, Esassolak M, Alkanat M, Büke Ç, Yılmaz M, Telefoncu A, Köse T. The prophylactic and therapeutic effects of glutamine and arginine enriched diets on radiation induced enteritis in rats. Journal of Surgical Research 89; 121-5, 2000

Yalman D, Arıcan A, Karakoyun Ö, Karadoğan İ, Yürüt Denizli V, Esassolak M, Haydaroğlu A. Radical radiotherapy in advanced-stage non-small cell lung cancer: evaluation of 332 cases. Journal of BUON 4; 383-7, 1999.

Esassolak M , Yalman D, Anacak Y, Özkök S, Haydaroğlu H. Accelerated fractionation (AF) in head and neck cancers. Letters to Editor. Radiotherapy Oncology 47; 103-4, 1998.

Esassolak M, Yalman D, Özsaran Z, Arıcan A, Haydaroğlu H. Postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy in stage IB carcinomas of the uterine cervix. Radiography 4; 41-7, 1998

Anacak Y, Esassolak M, Aydın A, Olacak İ, Aras A, Haydaroğlu A. Effect of geometrical optimisation on the treatment volumes and the dose homogeneity of biplane interstitial brachytherapy implants. Radiotherapy and Oncology 45;71-76,1997.Esassolak M, Yalman D, Aras A, Haydaroğlu A, Özsaran Z, Çetingül N. Radiotherapy in Kasabach – Merritt syndrome. Radiography 3(2); 149-53, 1997.

Özkök S, Aras A, Esassolak M, Arıcan A, Yalman D, Haydaroğlu A. Hyperfractionated radiotherapy combined with simultaneous chemotherapy in inoperable non-small cell lung cancer: a pilot study. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 50(6); 443-47,1995.

Haydaroğlu A, Esassolak M, Aras A, Günbay S, Toygar N, Kutay F. Early and late effects of radiotherapy on total protein levels of saliva. Eido Electa 2(4); 257-62, 1991.

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